Инструкция по эксплуатации cisco ip phone 303. Инструкция обслуживания Cisco Systems SPA303

В разделе на вопрос кто знает как пользоваться телефоном CISCO SPA 303? заданный автором росянка лучший ответ это IP-телефоны Cisco серии SPA300
ПроизводительCisco Small Business
Характеристики телефона
Функции телефона
микрофон (цифровой дуплексный)
автоматическое повторения набора
прием голосовой почты
ожидание звонка
удержание звонка
перенаправление звонка
контроль звука и громкости звонка
Функциональные кнопки
удержание звонка
выключение звука
повторный набор
переключение гарнитуры
перенаправление звонка
включение микрофона
ИндикаторыВключение микрофона, ожидающее голосовое сообщение
Дополнительные особенности и функцииЗвонок на пейджер, музыка на удержании, набор номера без снятия трубки, встроенные часы, таймер звонка,
IP Телефония
Основные характеристики
поддержка многопроводных линий
интегрированный коммутатор Ethernet
поддержка различных VoIP протоколов
Ethernet порты2 порта 10/100BASE-T с разъемом RJ-45 (IEEE 802.3)
VoIP протоколыSIP, SIP 2
Голосовые кодекиG.711u, G.711a, G.722, G.729ab.
Голосовые функцииГенерация комфортного шума (CNG), определение голосовой активности (VAD).
Поддержка линийПоддерживает 3 линии.
Качество обслуживанияEEE 802.1Q (VLAN), DiffServ, IEEE 802.1p, ToS.
Распределение IP адресов Статическое, DHCP
Сетевые протоколыUDP, TFTP, TCP, IP, DNS, ICMP, ARP, HTTP.
Свойства сети Network Address Translation (NAT)
Голосовые свойстваОпределение голосовой активности (VAD).
Прочие характеристики
Память телефона100 адресов. 8 номеров "быстрого набора".
ДисплейМонохромный LCD дисплей с разрешением 128 x 64 пикселя.
Физические характеристики
Питание100 - 240 В, автоматическое определение.
Входящее напряжение постоянного тока: +5 В при 1.0 А
2 10/100BASE-T Ethernet порта - разъем RJ-45;
разъем для трубки RJ-9;
2.5-мллиметровый порт для гарнитуры.
Модули расширенияМожно установить 2 модуля расшиения Cisco SPA 500S.
Гарабриты220 x 198 x 30 мм
Вес0,68 кг

Cisco SPA303-G2 - это недорогой, но качественный IP-телефон, используют в основном в небольших компаниях. Имеет множество настраиваемых параметров, работает с VoiceView Express, а также офисными приложениями Cisco XML. Управляется с помощью встроенного веб-сервера, Кофигурация возможна при помощи телефонной клавиатуры и экранного меню. Обновить данный аппарат несложно, также возможно руссифицировать телефон для удобства пользования.

Для обновления телефона определяем сначала его текущую версию. Для этого заходим по IP-адресу телефона и смотрим Software Version (Voice - Info - секция Product Information).

прошивка: https://software.cisco.com/download/release.html?mdfid=283104997&softwareid=282463651&release=7.6.1&relind=AVAILABLE&rellifecycle=&reltype=latest

локализация: https://software.cisco.com/download/release.html?mйdfid=283104997&softwareid=282582477&release=7.5.6&relind=AVAILABLE&rellifecycle=&reltype=latest

При этом нужно не забыть скачать также промежуточные версии с индексом b. Например, текущая версия нашего телефона 7.4.8 . Мы хотим обновить телефон до версии 7.5.6а и установить русский язык с версией локализации 7.5.6 . Сначала мы должны обновить телефон версией 7.5.2b , затем 7.5.5b и наконец-то 7.5.6.a . Только в таком порядке возможно обновить телефон. Сразу перейти с версии 7.4.8 на версию 7.5.6a не получится. И только после этого возможно установить русский язык.

Итак, скачиваем необходимые архивы всех обновлений и файл локализации. Разархивируем архивы обновлений. Далее обновление проходит однотипно для всех версий, которые надо установить. Заходим внутрь разархивированной версии, далее запускаем файл запуска обновления, для версии 7.5.2b это spa50x-30x-7-5-2b.exe .

В появившемся окне нажимаем кнопку "Continue" и в следующем окне вводим IP-адрес нашего телефона.

Далее нажимаем кнопку "OK" и начнется процесс обновления телефона. При этом телефон не трогаем и питание не выключаем! В конце прошивки появится предупреждение, но его игнорируем и нажимаем снова "ОК". В конце прошивки появится текущая версия обновленной прошивки. Проверить версию можно, если снова в браузере набрать IP-адрес телефона и посмотреть его текущую версию. Также поступаем с остальными обновлениями.

Теперь разберемся с файлом локализации (установки другого языка). Для этого разархивируем архив (в случае с версией 7.5.6 это SPA30x_SPA50x_SPA51x_SPA525G_7.5.6_Dicts.zip и далее разархивируем архив spa50x_30x_v756_r2.zip) и копируем два файла: spa50x_30x_en_v756.xml и spa50x_30x_ru_v756.xml на ресурс в сети, например на ftp сервер, возможно воспользоваться бесплатной программой tftp сервером.

Набираем в браузере IP-адрес телефона и изменяем следующие настройки (вкладка Voice - System):

Signaling protocol - SIP; SPCP - no (для появления этого режима, нажимаем User Login, затем advanced)

Dictonary Server Script : serv=;d0=English;x0=spa50x_30x_en_v756.xml;d1=Russian;x1=spa50x_30x_ru_v756.xml;

где - расположение файлов локализации

Language Selection : Russian
Default Character encoding : UTF-8

Locale: ru-RU

Для применения нажимаем "Submit All Change", далее ждем, когда применятся изменения. Затем восстанавливаем настройки во вкладке "System", которые были сделаны ранее и снова нажимаем "Submit All Change". Проверяем руссификацию меню IP-телефона.

  • Page 1 USER GUIDE Cisco Small Business SPA 303 IP Phone for 8x8 Virtual Office...
  • Page 2 May 2011 Cisco and the Cisco Logo are trademarks of Cisco Systems, Inc. and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries. A listing of Cisco"s trademarks can be found at www.cisco.com/go/trademarks. Third party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respective owners. The use of the word partner does not imply a partnership relationship between Cisco and any other company.
  • Page 3: Table Of Contents

    (Optional) Installing the Cisco SPA 303 Stand (Optional) Connecting a PC to Your Cisco SPA 303 (Optional) Connecting Wired and Wireless Headsets (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall Reversing the Handset Retention Tab Verifying Phone Startup Upgrading Your Phone’s Firmware...
  • Page 4 Using the Corporate Directory Using the Call History Lists Deleting All Numbers from the Missed Calls, Received Calls, or Placed Calls List Accessing Voicemail Recording Calls (Virtual Office Pro Users Only) Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 5 Turning on the Screen Saver Immediately Updating Your Ring Tone Advanced Procedures for Technical Support Personnel Viewing Status Information and Statistics Rebooting, Restarting, and Resetting a Phone Appendix A: Where to Go From Here Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 6: Chapter 1: Getting Started

    Getting to Know the Cisco SPA 303, page 7 About This Document This guide describes the concepts and tasks necessary to use and configure your Cisco Small Business IP Phone. This document describes using the Cisco Small Business IP Phones with 8x8 Virtual NOTE Office.
  • Page 7 Where to Go From Here Cisco provides a wide range of resources to help you obtain the full benefits of the Cisco SPA 30X phones. This appendix provides link to many of these resources. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 8: Overview Of The Cisco Small Business Ip Phones

    4-way navigations key Caring for Your Phone The Cisco Small Business IP phones are electronic devices that should not be exposed to excessive heat, sun, cold or water. To clean the equipment, use a slightly moistened paper or cloth towel. Do not spray or pour cleaning solution directly onto the hardware unit.
  • Page 9: Getting To Know The Cisco Spa 303

    Indicator message. Flashes red during an incoming call or when the phone’s firmware is being updated. LCD Screen Displays date and time, phone station name, line extensions, and softkey options. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 10 Speaker button Push to turn the speaker on or off. When the speaker is on, the button glows green. Keypad Use to dial phone numbers, enter letters, and choose menu items. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 11: Softkey Buttons

    Dials into the 8x8 conference bridge. delChr Deletes the last number or letter. delete Deletes an entire item (for example, a number from the Call History list). dial Dials a number. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 12 Performs a call transfer. xfer2vm Transfers an active call to voice mail. Enters a submenu and when pressed, toggles between Yes or No to enable or disable an option. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 13: Using Keypad Shortcuts

    For example, to change your ring settings, press the Setup button, then press 3 for Settings and 2 for Ring Type. Menus and options vary depending on phone model. NOTE Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 14: Chapter 2: Installing Your Phone

    Installing Your Phone This chapter describes how to install your Cisco Small Business IP Phone and connect it to your network. It contains the following sections: Before You Begin, page 12 Installing Your Cisco SPA 303 IP Phone, page 13 ...
  • Page 15: Installing Your Cisco Spa 303 Ip Phone

    (Optional) Route the phone cord through the cable slot (labeled 4 in Figure STEP 3 Insert the other end of the phone cord into the port at the bottom of the handset (not shown). STEP 4 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 16: Connecting The Power

    (Optional) Connecting Your Cisco SPA 303 to the Wireless Network You can use the Cisco WBP54G Wireless-G Bridge for Phone Adapters to connect the IP phone to a Wireless-G network instead of the wired local network. Cisco does not recommend connecting a PC to the phone when it is operating wirelessly.
  • Page 17: (optional) Installing The Cisco Spa 303 Stand

    (Optional) Connecting a PC to Your Cisco SPA 303 To connect a PC to your phone (optional): Cisco does not recommend connecting a PC to the phone when it is operating wirelessly. NOTE To provide network access to a PC, connect one end of an additional Ethernet cable (not...
  • Page 18: (optional) Mounting Your Cisco Spa 303 Phone To The Wall

    Installing Your Phone (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall In general, to connect a headset. connect the 2.5mm connector from the headset into the headset port on the right side of the IP phone as shown in the following graphic: (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall To mount the phone to the wall, you must purchase the MB100 wall mount bracket kit.
  • Page 19 Installing Your Phone (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall Figure 2 MB100 Wall Mount Kit Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 20 Installing Your Phone (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall To attach the Mounting Bracket (MB), align the two cleats on the MB with the holes in the STEP 1 phone’s base. Orient the MB such that the phone’s Ethernet and handset ports are accessible after STEP 2 installation.
  • Page 21 Installing Your Phone (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall (Optional) If a Wi-Fi or PoE dongle is installed, place in the tray. STEP 4 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 22 Installing Your Phone (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall Plug in the Ethernet and power cables. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 23 Installing Your Phone (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall Hang onto screws mounted in the wall. STEP 5 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 24: Reversing The Handset Retention Tab

    Installing Your Phone (Optional) Mounting Your Cisco SPA 303 Phone to the Wall Reversing the Handset Retention Tab If you mount the phone to a vertical surface, you must reverse the handset retention tab on the phone body so that the handset does not fall off the phone when it is placed on the cradle.
  • Page 25: Verifying Phone Startup

    Verifying Phone Startup After receiving power and network connectivity, the phone executes a boot-up sequence. During this sequence, phones with screens display the Cisco logo and then “Initializing Network.” All of the lights on the phone will flash. After your phone is successfully connected to the network and receives a basic configuration, the extension number appears on the display screen (on models with a display screen) and the phone has a dial tone.
  • Page 26: Upgrading Your Phone"s Firmware

    8x8 service. If you are using your Cisco phone with 8x8, do not upgrade your phone’s firmware without consulting 8x8 Support. 8x8 may automatically upgrade your phones without any action on your part necessary as new features become available that are compatible with your service.
  • Page 27: Chapter 3: Using Basic Phone Functions

    Forwarding Calls — Online Setup, page 32 Forwarding Calls — Phone-based Setup, page 33 Setting Do Not Disturb, page 33 Placing a Three-Way Conference Call, page 34 Using Conference Bridges, page 35 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 28: Using Phone Hardware And Accessories

    The handset can be on the hook when using the speakerphone or headset function. If switching from the handset to the speakerphone, make sure the speakerphone or headset light is illuminated before placing the handset back on the hook. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 29: Adjusting Call Volume And Muting

    Using Mute (Cisco SPA 303) To mute the phone microphone, speaker, or headset microphone, press the Mute button on the phone. The button glows red. Press the Mute button again to unmute. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 30: Placing Or Answering A Call

    To resume the call, press the Flash button (Cisco SPA 301) or the flashing red line button for the call (Cisco SPA 303). If you have multiple calls (Cisco SPA 303), all calls are put on hold except the active call.
  • Page 31: Using Mute (cisco Spa 303)

    If you are using the handset, hang up. If you are using the speakerphone, press the Speaker button (Cisco SPA 303). If you are using the headset, either press the Headset button (wired) or replace the handset (wireless) - Cisco SPA 303.
  • Page 32: Transferring Calls

    STEP 1 Enter the number to which you want to transfer the call and press dial. The call is transferred STEP 2 with no further action required on your part. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 33: Performing An Transfer To Voicemail

    Scroll to Call History and press the Select softkey. STEP 2 Scroll to Missed Calls and press the Select softkey. STEP 3 Choose the call you want to return and press the Dial softkey. STEP 4 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 34: Using The Intercom

    Select the Settings button, and then select the My Rules tab. STEP 2 Update your Call Forwarding Rules and press Save. STEP 3 You can return to Virtual Office Online at any time to update your Call Forwarding Rules. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 35: Forwarding Calls - Phone-based Setup

    To activate Do Not Disturb, press the dnd softkey. The LCD screen indicates that Do Not Disturb is turned on for your phone. To deactivate Do Not Disturb, press the -dnd softkey. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 36: Placing A Three-way Conference Call

    (You can cancel the conference by pressing the EndCall softkey before connecting the calls, then press the Resume softkey to resume the original call.) When you hang up, the other two parties are disconnected. NOTE Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 37: Using Conference Bridges

    Create a conference that expires in 2 weeks press 1 Create a non expiring conference press 2 Create a conference with a custom expiration date press 3 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 38 Enter your extension then press #. STEP 1 Enter your password then press #. (Voicemail Password) STEP 2 Enter the conference ID you want to delete then press #. STEP 3 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 39: Using The Phone Directories

    Press the play softkey to play the selected ring tone or the select softkey to assign that ringtone to the person whose number you are adding to the directory. Press save to save the entry. STEP 5 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 40: Using The Corporate Directory

    STEP 2 Input last name, first name, and/or location and press submit: STEP 3 In the results, scroll to the desired entry and press Dial to dial the contact. STEP 4 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 41: Using The Call History Lists

    STEP 3 delete all numbers from the list. Press the Exit softkey to return to the previous menu. Press the Cancel softkey to return to the STEP 4 main screen. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 42: Accessing Voicemail

    Press the record soft key. STEP 2 You will see a "Recording is ON" confirmation message on the phone screen. To turn Call Recording off: Press the exit soft key. STEP 1 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 43: Chapter 4: Using Advanced Phone Features

    Creating Speed Dials, page 42 Customizing Your LCD Screen, page 43 Updating Your Ring Tone, page 45 Advanced Procedures for Technical Support Personnel, page 45 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 44: Creating Speed Dials

    For a new speed dial, scroll to select an unused speed dial (marked with Not Assigned). To edit STEP 3 a previously existing speed dial, select it. Press edit. STEP 4 Enter the number to assign to the speed dial and press ok. STEP 5 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 45: Using Speed Dials

    To configure your screen saver: Press the Setup button. STEP 1 Scroll to Screen Saver Mode and press the Select softkey. STEP 2 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 46: Turning On The Screen Saver Immediately

    The screen saver must be enabled in order to immediately activate it. NOTE Press the Setup button. STEP 1 Scroll to Screen Saver Mode. STEP 2 Press the activ softkey. STEP 3 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 47: Updating Your Ring Tone

    Follow these procedures if instructed to do so by technical support person who are assisting you. Viewing Status Information and Statistics To view status information and statistics: Press the Setup button. STEP 1 Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 48: Rebooting, Restarting, And Resetting A Phone

    Scroll to Restart and press the Select softkey. STEP 2 When the confirmation message appears, press the OK softkey to confirm or press the Cancel STEP 3 softkey to close the message without restarting the phone. Cisco Small Business IP Phone SPA 303 User Guide (SIP)
  • Page 49 Important: Resetting your phone to the factory default is not recommended unless you are working directly with a member of the 8x8 Support team. Your phone will no longer be connected to 8x8 service if it is reset it to the Cisco factory default. Press the Setup button.
  • Where to Go From Here Cisco provides a wide range of resources to help you and your customer obtain the full benefits of the Cisco Small Business SPA 303 IP Phone. Support Cisco Small Business Support www.cisco.com/go/smallbizsupport Community Cisco Small Business Support www.cisco.com/go/smallbizhelp...
  • Page 51 Where to Go From Here Other Cisco-provided documentation may be useful as a reference, but it often refers to features NOTE that are supported only on specific plans of specific providers or PBXs. It also may exclude some cloud-provided services for your business that are provided by 8x8, Inc. This document has been modified by 8x8 to specifically include the features supported and provided by 8x8 service.

Cisc o Small Busines s Cisc o S P A300 Serie s and S P A500 Serie s IP P hones with Cisc o Unified C ommunications UC320W Phone Models: S P A301 , S P A303, S P A501 G, SP A502 G, S P A504G, S P A508G, S P A509G, S P A525 G, S P A525G2 USER GUIDE ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 2

    © 20 11-20 12 Cisco Syst ems, Inc. All rights reser v 78- 19372-01C0 Cisco and the Cisco logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Cisco and/or its affiliates in the U.S. and other countries . To view a list of Cisco trademarks, go to this URL: ww w.cisco. com/go/trademarks . Third-party trademarks mentioned are the property of their respect ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 3

    Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC320W 3 Con t e n ts Chapter 1: Getting Started 6 Overview of the Cisco Small Business IP Phones 7 Phone Features 8 Model Comparison 8 Phone Components of Cisco SPA301 9 Phone Components of Cisco SPA303 and Cisco SPA500 Series Models 11 Cisco SPA500S Attendant Consol ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 4

    Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC320W 4 Con t e n ts Enabling or Disabling Call Waiting 45 Picking Up a Call for Another Extension 46 Parking a Call 47 Creating a Three-Way Conference Call 49 Using the Phone Directories 50 Using Your Contact List (Personal Address Book) 51 Using the Corporate Direc ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 5

    Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC320W 5 Con t e n ts Making a Mobile Phone Call Using Your Cisco SPA 525G2 86 Receiving Mobile Phone Call s Using the Cisco SPA 525G2 87 Switching Audio from Your Cisco SPA 525G2 to Your Mobile Phone 87 Viewing Mobile Phone Battery and Signal Information on Your Cisc ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 6

    1 Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC320W 6 Get ting St ar te d This guide pr ovides inf ormation t o help you use your Cisco Small Busines s IP Phone with the Cisco Unified Communications UC320W. Bef ore using your phone, r ead this chapt er to become familiar with the phone f eatures. Ref er to the ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 7

    Get ting Star ted Over view of the Cisc o Small Business IP Phones Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC320W 7 1 O ver view of the Cis c o Sm all Busine s s IP Phone s The Cisco Small Busines s IP Phones ar e ful l-f eatured phones that supp ort communications within your of fice and wi th the outside ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 8

    Get ting Star ted Phone Fea tures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC320W 8 1 Phone Fe a ture s Use the inf ormation in these se ctions to learn more about your phone. Model C omp arison, p age 8 Phone Comp onents of Cisco SP A301 , pa ge 9 Phone Comp onents of Cis co SP A303 and Cis co S ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 9

    Get ting Star ted Phone Fea tures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC320W 9 1 Phone C omponents of Cis c o SP A301 #P h o n e F e a t u r e D e s c r i p t i o n 1. Handset Audio device that can be use d t o place and answer calls. Note: This model does not hav e a speak er or a headset por t . 2. Me ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 10

    Get ting Star ted Phone Fea tures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 10 1 Mes sage W aiting/Status Indicator (c o nt in u e d) Orange (solid) : Y our phone is not r egister ed t o the call control syst em. This o ccurs when the phone is rebooting and has not yet r egister ed. Orange (fa ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 11

    Get ting Star ted Phone Fea tures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 11 1 Phone C omponents of Cis c o SP A303 and Cisc o SP A500 Se r i es M od e l s 7. V olume button Pr es s r epeatedly t o increase the volume of the handset (when the handset is of f the phone) or ringer volume (when the han ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 12

    Get ting Star ted Phone Fea tures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 12 1 #P h o n e F e a t u r e D e s c r i p t i o n 1. Handset and Speaker Audio devices use d t o place and answer calls. 2. Mess age W aiting Indicat or Indicates the status of your v oicemail box. Unlit: Y ou ha ve no n ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 13

    Get ting Star ted Phone Fea tures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 13 1 7. Navigation Button Not available on Cisco SPA501G Moves the cursor lef t , right , up, or down through the items o n the screen. Not e: Cisc o SP A525 G/G2 includes a Center Select but t on that selects an highlight ed ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 14

    Get ting Star ted Cisc o SP A500S Attendant Console Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 14 1 Cis c o SP A500S A t tendant C ons ole The Cisco S P A500S attendant console at taches to a Cisco S P A500 Series IP phone t o pr ovide additional f eature buttons. Up to two 32-button units can be attac ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 15

    Get ting Star ted Conne cting W ired and W ireless Headsets (Optional) Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 15 1 C onne cting Wire d and Wireles s Heads e ts (Optional) The IP phones suppor t wired and wireless headsets from dif f erent manuf acture rs. Cisco S P A525G/G2 also supp ort Bluetooth ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 16

    Get ting Star ted Conne cting W ired and W ireless Headsets (Optional) Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 16 1 Creating a pr ofile for your Blueto oth heads et Cisco S P A525G /G2 Available on Cisc o SPA525G/G2 only 1 . Af ter e na b l in g Bl u e to ot h , pre s s . 2. Select User Preference s ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 17

    Get ting Star ted Using Softkeys to Handle Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 17 1 Using S of tk eys to Handle Calls Softke ys ar e dynamic buttons that appear on the phone screen to pr ovide ac ces s t o special functions for the curr ent task or the s elected menu. F our softkeys can be ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 18

    Get ting Star ted Using Softkeys to Handle Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 18 1 Con fl x or Conf Line When you ha ve an active call and a held call on your phone, press this sof tke y t o cr eat e a conf erence f o r thes e calls. If you hav e multiple calls on hold, you will be prompt ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 19

    Get ting Star ted Using Softkeys to Handle Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 19 1 Park, Unp ark During a call, pr es s to place the call on hold in a park slot . Enter one or mor e digits t o identify your park slot , and then press . T o unpark the call, press , ent er the park slot num ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 20

    Get ting Star ted Using Y our Line Buttons Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 20 1 Using Y our Line But tons Line but t ons ar e used f or exte nsions and shared lines , as configur ed by the phone administrator . NOTE The phone also ma y ha ve pr o grammable f eature buttons f or special funct ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 21

    Get ting Star ted Using the F ea tur e Buttons Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 21 1 Status Indicators F or shar ed lines , shared e xtensions, and paired phones , the line button indicates the status. Unlit: Idle. A vailable to place a call. Green (ste ady) : Connected to a call on ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 22

    Get ting Star ted Using the F ea tur e Buttons Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 22 1 Force Night: The function depends on the day /night mo de f or your phone syst em. Check with your phone administrat or f or details . - In a manual day / night system: Press to t o ggle bet ween Day mod ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 23

    Get ting Star ted En tering and Editing Char ac ters Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 23 1 Entering and Editing Characters If you mak e a mistak e when entering a number , you can edit your entry on the phone screen. On some screens, you can ent er letters as well as numbers . Not available o ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 24

    Get ting Star ted En tering and Editing Char ac ters Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 24 1 Changing the mode to numb ers or letters Cisco S P A525G /G2 Some fields allow you t o enter letters and numbers . If you need to change the mode, press . Then choo se the input method: Input Num: ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 25

    Get ting Star ted En tering and Editing Char ac ters Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 25 1 Using the S etup Menu Y ou can use the S etup menu t o acces s resources such as the phone directory and the call hist or y . T o open the menu, press . Not available on Cisc o SP A301 or Cisco SPA501G ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 26

    2 Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 26 Using B asic Phone F unc tions This chapter pr ovid es instructions on using your phone’ s basic functions. It includes thes e se ctions: Cho osing an Audio D evice, p age 27 Adjusting V olume and Muting, p age 29 Placing, Answering, and Man ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 27

    Using B asic Phone Functions Ch oosin g an A u di o Dev i ce Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 27 2 Cho o sing an Audio D evic e Bef ore placing a call, sele ct an audio device: the handset , the built-in speaker , or a compatible third-part y headset that you ha ve installed. T ypically , on ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 28

    Using B asic Phone Functions Ch oosin g an A u di o Dev i ce Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 28 2 Choo sing your preferr ed audio devic e Not available on Cisco SP A301 , Cisco SPA501G, or Cisco SPA525G/G2 If you pr es s a line button or begin dialing without lifting the handset , your Pr ef ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 29

    Using B asic Phone Functions Adjusting V olume and Muting Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 29 2 Adjusting V olume and Muting Y ou can adjust the call volume f or each audio device (handset , heads et , and speaker). Y ou also can adjust the ringer volume. During a call, you can mut e and unmu ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 30

    Using B asic Phone Functions Placing, Answering, and Managing Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 30 2 Placing, Answering, and Managing Calls Y ou can choos e fro m a variety of metho ds to place, answer , and manage your calls. Ref er t o these topics: Placing a Call, p age 31 Ans ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 31

    Using B asic Phone Functions Placing, Answering, and Managing Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 31 2 Placing a Call NOTE F or inf ormation about dialing opti ons, se e Entering and Editing Characters, pag e 2 3 . T ask Instruc tions Placing a call 1 . Choos e an audio device. Use the ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 32

    Using B asic Phone Functions Placing, Answering, and Managing Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 32 2 Re dialing a numb er All models except Cisco SP A301 and Cisco SP A 5 0 1 G Press . (Optionally , cho ose an audio devic e first .) Cis co SP A301 and Cis c o SP A 5 0 1 G 1 . Lif t the h ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 33

    Using B asic Phone Functions Placing, Answering, and Managing Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 33 2 Answering, Diver ting, and Ending Calls Speaker and headset not av ailable for Cisco SPA301. T ask Instruc tions Answering a call Options: Lift the handset , pres s or , or pr ess a l ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 34

    Using B asic Phone Functions Placing, Answering, and Managing Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 34 2 Managing Multiple Calls Y ou can manage up to two calls on each line but ton. Ending a call Replace the handset , or pr ess the sp eaker or headset but ton. Alt ernatively , press . Note: ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 35

    Using B asic Phone Functions Placing, Answering, and Managing Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 35 2 Using a Hot Phone Y our phone syst em ma y hav e up t o two hot phones . A hot phone is used ex clusively f or placing a call to a target number . For e x ample, at a locked entranc e, a ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 36

    Using B asic Phone Functions Placing, Answering, and Managing Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 36 2 Using a Paired Phone If you fr e quently work bet ween two lo cations in the office, your phone system administrat or ma y ass ociate your primar y phone with another phone The pair e d p ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 37

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the In ter c om and Paging F eatures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 37 2 Using the Inter c om and Paging Featur e s Depending on your phone model and the f eature buttons that ar e configured f or you, you ma y be able t o place an inte rcom call, page a g ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 38

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the In ter c om and Paging F eatures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 38 2 Changing your auto- answer set tings Not available on Cisco SPA301 Cisco S P A303 and SP A 50x G mo de ls By default , all phones ar e configured t o aut o- answer pages . T o adjust ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 39

    Using B asic Phone Functions T ransf erring Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 39 2 T ransferring Calls Y ou can transf er a call to another e xtension or phone number . T ask Instruc tions T ransfe rring a call without announcing it Cis co S P A30 1 1 . D uring an active call, pr es s . ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 40

    Using B asic Phone Functions T ransf erring Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 40 2 T ransfe rring a call after announcing it (c on t in ue d) Cis co S P A501 G 1 . During an active call, press . 2. Enter the extension or phone num ber . For mor e inf ormation, see Placing a C all, page ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 41

    Using B asic Phone Functions V iewing and Re turning Miss e d Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 41 2 Viewing and Returning Mis s e d Calls Y ou can easily view and r e turn misse d calls by using the LCR and Mis s softke ys (Cisco SP A50xG models) or CallR tn and Miss (Cisco S P A525 G/ ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 42

    Using B asic Phone Functions V iewing and Re turning Miss e d Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 42 2 Enabling or dis abling the Miss ed Call notification and soft k ey s Cis co S P A50 xG mo de ls 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ct Prefer ence s . 3. Scroll to Miss Call Shor tcut , and then press ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 43

    Using B asic Phone Functions Forwarding All Calls Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 43 2 For warding All Calls Use the Call F or war d All f eature t o f or ward all calls t o another ex t ension or an exte rnal phone number that you specify . This f eatur e t emporarily overrides the Call F o ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 44

    Using B asic Phone Functions Se tt i ng Do No t D is tu r b Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 44 2 S et ting D o Not Disturb Use the Do Not Disturb f eatur e t o prev ent incoming calls from ringing your phone. Calls t o y our personal extens ions ar e f or warded t o the specified Call F ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 45

    Using B asic Phone Functions Enabling or Dis abling Call Waiting Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 45 2 Enabling or Dis abling Call Waiting When you ar e on a call, Call W aiting notifi e s you of an incoming call by pla ying a t one during the active call and displa ying a status mess age. If ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 46

    Using B asic Phone Functions Picking Up a Cal l for Anot her Ex tension Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 46 2 Picking Up a Call for Another Ex tension Y ou can pick up a call that is ringing at another e xtension. Y ou can use star co des f or this f eature. F or more inf ormation, se e Using ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 47

    Using B asic Phone Functions Par ki n g a Ca l l Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 47 2 Parking a Call Y ou can “park” a call on a de signat ed line so that it can be picked up from another phone in the offic e. The call is on hold until it is “unpark ed” or the caller hangs up. During ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 48

    Using B asic Phone Functions Par ki n g a Ca l l Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 48 2 T o unp ark a call from a list of parked c alls Cisco S P A525G /G2 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ct Status . 3. Sele ct Call Park Status . 4. Sele ct the call that you want to unpark . 5. Sele ct . Parking and un ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 49

    Using B asic Phone Functions Crea ting a Three- Wa y Confer enc e Call Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 49 2 Creating a Thr ee-Wa y C onfer enc e Call Y ou can easily cr eate a thr e e-way conf er ence call on your phone. T ask Instruc tions Star ting a three-way co nfer ence c all 1 . After ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 50

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the Phone Dir ectories Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 50 2 Using the Phone Direc torie s Y our IP phones provide sev eral diff er ent types of phone directories, depending on the phone model and what the system administrat or has set up f or the company . ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 51

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the Phone Dir ectories Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 51 2 Using Y our C ontact List (Pers onal A ddres s B o ok) T o op en your contact list or personal address b ook: Cisc o SP A50 xG mo dels: Pr ess , o r p r ess and then selec t Director y . C ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 52

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the Phone Dir ectories Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 52 2 Adding or e diting a per son a l co nta ct Cis co S P A50 xG mo de ls 1 . F or a new contact , s croll t o New Entry , and then press . For an e xisting contact , scroll t o the contact , and then ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 53

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the Phone Dir ectories Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 53 2 Copy a c ontact re cord to create a new entry Cis co S P A50 xG mo de ls 1 . Scroll to the contact . 2. Press the right-arr ow na vigation button t o view other softkeys, and then press . If the Re ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 54

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the Call His tor y Lists Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 54 2 Using the C orporate Dir e c tories The Corporate Dir ector y includes these sub -directories: Internal Director y: All int ernal numbers , including syst em exte nsions, personal extensions ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 55

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the Call His tor y Lists Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 55 2 Cho osing a l ist Cisco S P A525G /G2 Press , and then sele ct Call Histor y . Select one of these lists: 1. All Calls: All calls that wer e plac ed, received, or miss ed r ecently on this phone ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 56

    Using B asic Phone Functions Setting or Changing a Phone Passwor d Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 56 2 S et ting or Changing a Phone Pas sword Y ou can set or change the pas sword. When a wa y from your phone, y ou can log out t o pre vent other personnel from acce ssing the director y , ca ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 57

    Using B asic Phone Functions Setting or Changing a Phone Passwor d Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 57 2 Logging out Cis co S P A525G/G2 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ct De v i ce Ad mi n i s t r a ti on . 3. Sele ct Logout . 4. When the confirmation mes sage appears , press t o continue, or press t ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 58

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the V oic email Sys tem Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 58 2 Using the V oic em ail System Y our phone administrat or can set up voicem ail f or e xtensions , shar ed lines , and hunt groups. See the se topics: Set ting Up Y our V oic email B ox, page 5 ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 59

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the V oic email Sys tem Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 59 2 Ac ce ssing V oicemail If you ha ve a voicemail box, you can retriev e mes sages from your phone or by dialing int o the voicemail syst em fr om another extension or phone number . NOTE These opti ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 60

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the V oic email Sys tem Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 60 2 V oic email Options After you log in by ente ring the mailbox password, voicemail options are announce d within the v oicemail system. Common tasks are described b elow . NOTE These options are a ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 61

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the V oic email Sys tem Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 61 2 Options to manage your messages: Press 1 to pla y new mess ages , or pr es s 3 t o pla y old messages (available if you pr eviously saved a mes sage). Then use the following options: 8 When pr ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 62

    Using B asic Phone Functions Using the V oic email Sys tem Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 62 2 Options to manage your greeti ngs and password: Fr om the Main Menu, pr es s 4 f or s etup options. Then use the fo llowing options. Pres s T o: 1 Record your unavailable me ss age. This greeting ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 63

    3 Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 63 Using Advanc e d Phone Fe a tur e s This chapter describe s how t o configure advanced f eatures on your IP Ph one. It contains the se sections: Configuring Privacy Fe a tures, page 64 Enabling and Using Dial As sistance, p age 66 Creating an ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 64

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Configuring Pri vacy Fea tures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 64 3 C onfiguring Privac y Fe a ture s Also s ee Using Star C ode s on Cisc o IP Phones, p age 76 . For Cisco SPA301 and SPA501G, you can configure these features only by using the s tar codes. T ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 65

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Configuring Pri vacy Fea tures Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 65 3 Blocking or allowing anonymous calls by using the S etup menu Cis co S P A50 xG mo de ls F ollow thes e steps t o block anonymous calls fr om ringing your phone. An y callers who ar e blo ck ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 66

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Enabling and Using Dial Assis t ance Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 66 3 Enabling and Using Di al A s sistanc e If you enable dial assistance, when you place calls , the screen will displa y phone numbers base d on the best matched entries in the Direct or ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 67

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Crea ting and Using Personal Spe ed Dials Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 67 3 Creating and Using Person al Sp e e d Dials Y our phone administrat or ma y ha ve configur ed spe ed dials on your phone. Y ou also can c onfigur e your own personal sp eed dials ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 68

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Crea ting and Using Personal Spe ed Dials Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 68 3 Creating a numeri c spe ed dial 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ct the Spe ed Dial optio n. 3. Scroll t o an unused entr y or to choose an existing speed di al . 4. Press . 5 . E n te r th ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 69

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Adjusting Y our Display Screen Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 69 3 Adjusting Y our Displa y S creen Not available on Cisc o SP A301 or Cis co SPA501G Y ou can adjust the contrast and the ba cklig ht timer f or your phone’ s display scr een. T ask Instruc ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 70

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Adjusting Y our Display Screen Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 70 3 Adjusting the b acklight timer Cis co S P A50 xG mo de ls The scr e en backlight turns off after a specifie d perio d of inactivit y . Y ou can ad just this set ting. 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 71

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Adjusting Y our Display Screen Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 71 3 C onfiguring the Phone Scre en Saver Y ou can enable y our phone ’ s screen sav er and sp ecify its appearance and the amount of time f or the phone to be idle bef ore it begins . The scr ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 72

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Adjusting Y our Display Screen Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 72 3 S etting the timer for the scr een sa ve r (i f e nab l ed Cis co S P A525G/G2 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ct User Preference s . 3. Sele ct Scre en Prefer enc e s . 4. Scroll to Sc r een Sa ve ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 73

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Adjusting Y our Display Screen Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 73 3 Adjusting the s creen saver display (if enabled) Cis co S P A50 xG mo de ls 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ct Scr een Sa ver Mode . 3. Scroll to Sc r een Sa ve r I co n , and then pres s . 4. Press ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 74

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Adjusting Y our Display Screen Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 74 3 Adjusting the s creen saver display (if enabled) Cis co S P A525G/G2 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ct User Preference s . 3. Sele ct Scre en Prefer enc e s . 4. Scroll to Sc r een Sa ve r Se t t i ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 75

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Cust omizing the Ring T ones for Y our Ex tensions Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 75 3 Customizing the Ring T one s for Y our Ex tensions Not available on Cisc o SP A301 or Cis co SPA501G Y ou can choos e a diff erent ring t one f or each extension of y our ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 76

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using Star Code s on Cisc o IP Phones Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 76 3 Using St ar C o de s on Cis c o IP Phone s Y ou can use “ star co des” t o acc ess phone supplementar y ser vices . Choo se a star code from a list on the phone screen, or ent er ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 77

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using Star Code s on Cisc o IP Phones Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 77 3 *37 Pick up a ringing call from a list of calls. Not available on Cisco SPA301 or Cisco SPA501G A list of ringing calls will appear on the screen. Scroll t o the call that you want to ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 78

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using Star Code s on Cisc o IP Phones Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 78 3 *70 Disable call waiting f or a single call. When ente ring the star code, als o ent er the phone number that you want to call. Then press . Call waiting is dis abled f o r the durati ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 79

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the In terac tive V oic e Resp onse Menu on Cisc o SP A301 and Cisc o SP A501 G Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 79 3 Using the Interactive V oic e Re sp ons e Menu on Cis c o SP A301 and Cis c o SP A501 G Cisco S P A301 and Cisco SP A501G pr ovide an i ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 80

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Conne cti ng a Cisc o SP A525 Mo del Phone t o the W ireless V oic e Ne t work Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 80 3 C onne cting a Cis c o SP A525 Mo del Phone to the Wir ele s s V oic e Net work If the phone administrat or enabled a wire less voice net work ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 81

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the Cisco SP A 525G2 W ith Y our Bluet ooth-E nabled Mobile Phone Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 81 3 STEP 4 In the Wi-F i field, confirm that there is check mark t o indicat e that Wi-F i is On. If the check mark doe s not appear , press the lef t -a ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 82

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the Cisco SP A 525G2 W ith Y our Bluet ooth-E nabled Mobile Phone Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 82 3 Impor t your mobile phone address b ook to y our Cisco S P A 525G2 p ersonal address b ook . Use your Cisco S P A 525G2 as a “handsfree dev ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 83

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the Cisco SP A 525G2 W ith Y our Bluet ooth-E nabled Mobile Phone Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 83 3 Initiating Pairing fr om the Cisc o SP A 525G2 STEP 1 Enable Bluetooth as descr ibed in the “Enabling Blueto oth” se ction on page 82 . STEP 2 Pr ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 84

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the Cisco SP A 525G2 W ith Y our Bluet ooth-E nabled Mobile Phone Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 84 3 Initiating Pairing fr om Y our Blueto oth-Enable d Mobile Phone NOTE The pr oce dur e varies dep ending on your ph one model. Y ou must turn Bluetoot ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 85

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the Cisco SP A 525G2 W ith Y our Bluet ooth-E nabled Mobile Phone Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 85 3 Blue ic on: Bluet o oth is enabled and the Cisco S P A 525G2 is conne ct ed to a headset . Green ic on: Bluetooth is enabled and the Cis co S ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 86

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the Cisco SP A 525G2 W ith Y our Bluet ooth-E nabled Mobile Phone Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 86 3 Making a Mobile Phone Call Using Y our Cisc o SP A 525G2 When you mak e a mobile phone call using your Cisco S P A 525G2, your Cisc o SP A 525 G2 act ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 87

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the Cisco SP A 525G2 W ith Y our Bluet ooth-E nabled Mobile Phone Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 87 3 Re ceiving Mobile Phone Calls Using the Cis c o SP A 525G2 If your mobile phone is pair e d with the Cisco S P A 525G2, an inc oming call t o your mo ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 88

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Using the Cisco SP A 525G2 W ith Y our Bluet ooth-E nabled Mobile Phone Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 88 3 The display bubble shows the f ollowing inf ormation: B a t ter y indicator: Shows the bat tery lif e left on your mobile phone. Signal stren ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 89

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Changing the Syst em T ime Set tings Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 89 3 Changing the System Time S et tings In most cas es , the Unified Communications system time set tings are contr olled by a network time ser ver . Howev er , if the Unified Communicatio ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 90

    Using A dvanc ed P hone Fe atures Changing the Syst em T ime Set tings Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 90 3 Cisc o SP A525 and Cisc o SP A525G 1. P r e s s . 2. Sele ct De v i ce Ad mi n i s t r a ti on . 3. Sele ct Da te/ Time . 4. Move the cursor t o Set Current Time Manually . Press the r ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 91

    A Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 91 Using an An alo g Phone with the Cis c o UC320W This appendix contains inf ormation about using an analog phone within the Unifie d Communications System. The primar y purpo se of an analog phone is to allow emergency calls if the system become s a vailab ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 92

    Using an Analo g Phone with the Cisc o UC320W Us ing S t ar Cod es f or S pecia l F ea tur es o n An alog P ho nes Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 92 A Using Star C ode s for Sp e cial Fe a ture s on Analo g Phone s F or special f eatur es , you can use the f ollowing star c odes . Creating ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 93

    Using an Analo g Phone with the Cisc o UC320W Us ing S t ar Cod es f or S pecia l F ea tur es o n An alog P ho nes Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 93 A *66 Enable Call Back . The phone will repeat edly dial a busy number until the called par t y rings or answers. The phone then aler ts y ou ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 94

    Using an Analo g Phone with the Cisc o UC320W Us ing S t ar Cod es f or S pecia l F ea tur es o n An alog P ho nes Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 94 A *87 Disable anon ymous call blocking. *96 P age an extens ion or paging gr oup. After y ou ent er the star code, a tone play s. Enter the e ...

  • Cisco Systems SPA303 - page 95

    B Cisco S P A300 and S P A500 Series IP Phones wi th Cis co Unified C ommunications UC 320W 95 Wher e to Go F rom Her e Cisco provides a wide range of r esources to help y ou obtain the full benefits of your IP phone. Suppor t Cisco Small Busine ss Suppor t Commun ity w w w .cisc o.com/ go/smallbizsuppor t Product D o cumentation Cisco S P A500 Ser ...

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